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هيكل وأداء قماش الألياف الزجاجية ثنائي المحور
نوفمبر 13, 2024|المشاهدات:558

في طليعة علم المواد اليوم، مادة عالية الأداء تسمىقماش الألياف الزجاجية ثنائي المحوريجذب انتباه واسع النطاق. مع هيكلها الفريد والأداء الممتاز ، ظهرت في العديد من الصناعات وأصبحت قوة رئيسية لتعزيز التقدم العلمي والتكنولوجي والتنمية الصناعية.

Biaxial fiberglass cloth

التنوع الهيكلي

هيكلقماش الألياف الزجاجية ثنائي المحوريقدم مجموعة متنوعة من الخصائص ، بما في ذلك بشكل رئيسي أنماط العادية والشائكة والساتين ، هذه الأشكال الشائعة ، يحتوي كل هيكل على حكمة فريدة من نوعها ، مما يعطي الأداء الممتاز المختلف للمادة.

الهيكل العادي لقماش الألياف الزجاجية ثنائية المحور ، مثل قلعة قوية مبنية بشكل جيد. يتم تداخل خيوط التشويه والخيوط المتداخلة عن كثب من الأعلى إلى الأسفل ، ويتصل كل خيوط ارتباط وثيقًا بالخيوط المحيطة ، مما يشكل هيكلًا مسطحًا كثيفًا ومستقرًا للغاية. هذا النسيج المتبادل مثل لوحة الشيكر يسمح للنسيج بتحمل التوتر بشكل متساو ومستمر في اتجاهات التشويه والشيك. سواء كان في تصنيع مكونات الطيران الدقيقة التي تتطلب توحيد قوة عالية للغاية ، أو في بعض التطبيقات الصناعية الراقية التي تتطلب دعم هيكلي مستقر ، فإن الاستقرار الممتاز لقماش الألياف الزجاجية ثنائية المحور من الهيكل العادي يمكن أن يضمن موثوقية الهيكل في حالات الإجهاد المعقدة ، ويصبح أحد المواد الموثوقة للمهندسين.

The twill shows an impressive flexibility. In the twill structure, the warp and weft yarns interweave at specific angles to form a continuous twill. This unique way of interlacing allows the yarn to have a certain amount of sliding space under the action of external forces, like a set of spring system with a tacit understanding of each other. When the external force is applied, the relative displacement between the yarns cushions the force, thus more effectively dispersing the external force, greatly enhancing the overall strength and ductility of the fabric. Biaxial fiberglass cloth feature is particularly useful in the field of shipbuilding, especially for Hull and deck structures that have long been used in rough seas, the Biaxial fiberglass cloth with twill structure can better adapt to the sea water impact and the complex stress variation, and provides the powerful guarantee for the ship's safe navigation.

The satin structure of the Biaxial fiberglass cloth like an elegant dancer, with its smooth surface and gorgeous appearance to attract people's attention. In the satin structure, the warp and weft yarns interweave at relatively few points and float longer, which not only gives the fabric a silky smooth surface, it also has good flexibility and glossiness while maintaining high strength. This unique combination of properties makes satin-textured Biaxial fiberglass cloth to occupy a high-end sporting goods and the appearance and feel of demanding electronic equipment shell inner insulation materials. For example, in the manufacture of high-end golf clubs and snowboards, satin-textured bidirectional fiberglass fabric not only improves the product's performance, but also provides a better experience for users.

Excellent performance

High intensity: A symbol of strength

The high strength of Biaxial fiberglass cloth is due to the use of high strength fiberglass yarns. These yarns have been specially processed to provide extremely high tensile strength. During the weaving process, the warp and weft yarns cooperate with each other to further strengthen the strength. The Biaxial fiberglass cloth can show amazing resistance either in the single direction tensile test or in the complex multi-direction stress environment. In the field of aeronautics and Astronautics, the wings of aircraft need to bear huge aerodynamic force and mechanical stress during flight, its high strength characteristics ensure the integrity and safety of the wing structure under extreme conditions and ensure the smooth flight.

High modulus: Tough Guardian

High modulus is another significant advantage of bidirectional fiberglass cloth. This means that the fabric is able to act like a tough guardian, storing and releasing energy to keep itself stable and not break easily when subjected to large deformations. In practical applications, bidirectional glass fiber cloth can effectively absorb and disperse energy by virtue of its high modulus characteristics, whether it is the impact of earthquake on building structures or the vibration of aircraft during flight, maintain structural stability. This characteristic is very important in dealing with dynamic load and complex stress environment, and it is one of the key factors to ensure the safety of all kinds of structures.

Corrosion Resistance: a shield against chemical attack

Glass fiber itself has excellent corrosion resistance, and Biaxial fiberglass cloth will give full play to this characteristic. It can effectively resist the corrosion of a variety of chemicals, whether acidic or alkaline solutions in the chemical environment, or the marine environment of seawater corrosion, Biaxial fiberglass cloth can form a strong protective barrier. In the field of shipbuilding, the hull and deck of a ship that has been immersed in seawater for a long time are highly susceptible to corrosion by seawater, while the bi-directional fiberglass sheet, as a reinforcing material, can provide long-term and reliable protection for the hull structure, significantly extend the life of the ship, reduce maintenance costs and frequency.

Insulation: the guarantee of electrical safety

Biaxial fiberglass cloth plays an indispensable role in the field of electrical and electronic equipment, and its good insulation performance makes it an ideal insulating material. In the manufacture of electrical components such as motor and transformer, it can effectively block the current and prevent the occurrence of electric leakage. For example, the use of bidirectional glass fiber cloth in the motor shell can not only provide reliable insulation protection for the circuit inside the motor, but also improve the motor's stability in the complex environment of high temperature, high humidity and so on, to ensure the safe operation of electrical equipment, but also to protect the safety of the operator's life.

Biaxial fiberglass cloth

Biaxial fiberglass cloth have shown great potential in aerospace, shipbuilding, architecture, sports equipment and electronic and electrical applications due to their exquisite structure and excellent performance. With the development of materials science research and technological innovation, it is reasonable to believe that bidirectional glass fiber sheet will create more possibilities in the future development, bring more convenience and security for the production and life of mankind. It is like a bright pearl, shining continuously in the materials science sky, leading the industry towards higher performance and higher quality.

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    Tianma Group Corp is engaged in research on fiberglass/composite material products and related technologies, and has won multiple national, provincial, and municipal level scientific and technological progress awards. Based on this, the company implements a technological innovation strategy, actively cooperates with domestic and foreign research institutes, targets and tracks international market trends, continuously develops new products with independent intellectual property rights, and enhances core competitiveness.

      Contact Us

      E-mail: sales1@tm253.com

      Tel: 0086-519-68193652

      Add: No. 309 Huanghai Rd, Xinbei District, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China

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